Monday, July 30, 2012

The Errant Testicle

            Have you ever been walking down the street and seen something that you didn’t want to see?  How about stumbling across a picture on the internet of your girlfriend or boyfriend that you’ve been dating for several years?  Well something like this happened to me the other day. No not the picture thing, but the walking down the street thing. 
            I was walking down main street when I saw her walking in the same direction as I was.  She looked fine from behind.  Her hair was down to the middle of her back.  The brightest blond possible before you have to call it white.  She turned at the corner of 5th and Main and I could see her profile.  Her figure was just perfect.  She was my dream girl.  When I got to the corner I knew that I had to continue following her.  I saw her down the street and I noticed her right away as she walked with confidence.  I picked up my pace and caught up with her. 
            “Excuse me!?” I spoke up.  She continued to walk without any hesitation.  I put my head down and stopped and then looked back up.  I now noticed that everyone that passed her was looking back at her.  The looks weren’t what I was expecting.  Everyone that passed her seemed weireded out.  I was now more curious to meet this woman of my dreams.  I kept walking the pace I was walking before.  She turned the corner again and was now on Orchard Street.  I turned the corner and followed her some more.  I ran to catch up with her again, this time getting close enough to tap her shoulder.  “Excuse me? Miss?”  I made it a question, hoping she would turn around and notice me this time.  She did turn around, but she wasn’t the one who was noticing something.  I saw it on her chin and got weirded out immediately. 
            “Yes? Can I help you?” she asked looking at my face.
            “Uh... um...  I was just wondering…” I paused and couldn’t continue.
            “What? I’ve got somewhere to be!” She half-scolded me.
            “I’m sorry… I thought you were someone else.”  I let her walk away as I stood in the middle of the sidewalk and questioned what I just saw.  Was that a testicle on her chin?  How did it get there?  Why was it so hairy?  Why?  Why wouldn’t she do something about it?  I gave up asking myself questions and I walked in the opposite direction back to my apartment to find something to keep my mind busy so I didn’t think of that testicle-chinned-woman.

Dreams Do Tell

            “I had another one of those dreams again,” I said to my sister when she came out to the kitchen in the morning.  She just looked at me as she walked past me to get a cup out of the cabinet.  She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table across from me.  She grabbed the little can of sugar and lifted the spoon out of the can with a heaping pile on it.  She pushed the spoon back into the can and lifted it up with another heaping pile.  I just looked at her and smiled because I knew she’s going to do that at least three more times before she finally would take a drink.  After her fifth spoonful of sugar, she finally sipped her coffee.
            “Which one?” she asked as she put her cup back down on the table.  “Can you hand me a donut? Please?” I tipped my chair back and reached for a donut.  I grabbed the one with sprinkles because I wanted the chocolate one for myself.  “Thanks. So was it the same dream as you had the other day or was it different?”
            “Well, this time I was being chased through the woods.”
            “You’re always running in your dreams, Seth” Amy said jokingly.
            “Yeah I know, but this one just felt so real.” I took a sip of my coffee then continued, “I could feel the sweat as it ran down my face, back, and legs. I knew that if I didn’t get away that I was going to die.  It just felt so real. I was dodging in and out of the trees as my lungs burned for air.  It felt like I was running forever.  The thing chasing me just kept getting closer.  I could hear the crunching of the sticks and leaves behind me.” I stopped for a moment. I leaned back on my chair again and grabbed the last donut.
            “Hey! You didn’t tell me that there was a chocolate one over there!” Amy exclaimed.
            “Sorry Ame, you didn’t ask.” I laughed as I took a bite out of the donut. “So anyway, I was running, and I could feel this thing, whatever it was, getting closer and I knew that I wasn’t going to make it out of these woods. I wasn’t going to let it win though, not without some kind of fight.” I sipped my coffee again.  It was still a little too hot for my likes. “Then as I was running my left arm got torn open by a branch. I remember yelling ‘Damn it!’ in my dream, but I kept going. I wasn’t about to let a little cut stop me.  I soon noticed that the cut was bigger than I thought when I felt my shirt soaking up all of the blood.  I looked down at my arm and then back in front of me. I don’t know how I didn’t notice it, but there was a tree right there.  I somehow managed to dodge to the left, but not in enough time…that’s when I cut open my right arm.”
            “Christ, Seth! Could your dream be any worse?” Amy interrupted.
            “Oh, it gets better… or worse…ok, so I just cut open my right arm. After bumping into the tree I stumbled and almost fell to the ground -- luckily I caught my footing and kept on running, but then the thing chasing me grew silent.” I took another sip of my coffee and a bite out of my donut, “I could still feel its presence, but it was being very quiet as it ran behind me. Finally, I saw this clearing only a couple yards away and I have hope of making it out of there.  This thing chasing me didn’t like the light and tends to only stick to shadows.  I made it to the threshold of the trees and jumped through, only to force myself to the ground!  There was a drop off only inches away from where I landed.  As I looked around me I saw that the clearing that I was in was only about as big as our tiny bathroom.  I turned back towards the woods and I saw the creature coming right for me.  It didn’t look like it was about to stop!  It leaped out of the woods, and all I could see was its scary yellow eyes and dark green scaly skin as it tackled me over the edge.  We both just fell.  I was so scared at that point, but I knew it was pointless to even worry about calling for help or screaming.” I took a drink of my coffee, this time it was just right.
            “So then what happened?” Amy asked like a second grader waiting to hear the end of her favorite bedtime story.
            “We lived happily ever after. The end.” I joked.
            “Shut up, and tell me what happened, or I’m going to throw this donut at you!”
            I waved my hands to ward off any donut pieces that might come my way, “Ok, ok. So we are both falling, and the creature is below me.  As I’m turning in the air, I see that the creature spreads out some wings from its back and pushes itself towards the ground faster and faster.  Just as I think it’s going to hit the ground, it turns its head towards the sky followed by the rest of the body, and it just soared toward the horizon.  It was so amazing!  I forgot that I was even falling anymore; I was in such shock!  Then, I woke up.”
            “Wow. That is one crazy dream you had there, Seth”
            “You’re telling me.” I stood up and downed the rest of my coffee. “I just wish I knew what it all meant and why I keep having these weird dreams.”  With that, I left the room. Amy said something, but I just ignored it.  Amy is great but sometimes she’s just too much.
            Looking in the mirror at my face I could see the bags under my eyes.  The lack of sleep is really getting to me.  My hair slides in front of my eyes, everyone is always telling me that I need to cut my hair, but I’m just not ready to get rid of it yet.  I start to walk over to the tub when I caught something in the mirror.  My shirt, there’s red on my shirt.  I paused for a moment and lifted the sleeve of my shirt up.  There is a very tiny cut on my arm. “Hmm, that’s odd.  Wonder when I did that?”  I took my t-shirt off and got as close the mirror as I could so I could check my arm out without straining my neck.  I pushed and pulled the skin around the cut to see if any more blood would seep out, but nothing did.  I don’t know what coerced me to check my other arm, but when I did there was a very thin line of blood sliding down my arm.
            I turned on the hot water and then the cold and just let the water run for awhile.  I sat on the edge of the tub, thinking, and thinking about my dream, what it could mean, and why both of my arms were cut open and bleeding.  Steam started to rise up around me, and I pulled the lever to make the shower turn on.  I stripped out of my shorts and stepped into the shower, facing the opposite wall of the shower head, just letting the water bounce off of my skin.  The massaging water felt so good on my back.
            “Seth!” Amy was outside knocking on the door. There were a few more words after my name but I couldn’t make them out.
            “You know I can’t hear you when I’m in here! What do you want!?” I yelled so she could hear me over the water.
            “Are you going to be in there long? Cause I need to get a shower and stuff before I leave for work.”  This time she shouted as loud as she could. 
            “I’ll be done in five minutes!”  I looked down and saw that the tub was clogging up with water.  I reached down and grabbed the glob of hair that was preventing the water from draining down the pipe.  “Why doesn’t SHE ever do this?” I stuck the hair on the side of the shower so I could throw it away when I got out. “Sometimes I just don’t like her”
            So much for a nice long hot shower, I quickly finished and got dressed.  The cuts on my arms fell out of my short term memory, but I was still playing back my dream in my head. 
            “It’s all yours, Ame.” I called to her as I opened the door and threw away the wad of her hair in the trash can. 
            “Thanks, Seth.” she said as she pushed past me into the bathroom.  This is the time that I hated living in an apartment with my sister.  I went out to my room, which any person living by themselves would call a living room, and turned on the TV.  When she asked if she could stay with me, while she got back on her feet, I didn’t expect to be persuaded from my room.  I made my bed back into the couch and folded my sheets, putting them in the chest that we have as our coffee table and sat down on the couch.  I flipped through the channels aimlessly, not even paying attention.  All I could think about were the yellow eyes jumping at me.  I shivered and shook my head as the water shut off in the bathroom and the door opened.  Amy scooted down the hallway with her towel wrapped around her head, and her robe clung to her body.  She walked into her room and then I heard the door shut.
            “…weird dreams just call 1-800-693-7326.  Again, if you are being plagued by weird dreams just call 1-800-MY DREAM, 693-7326.” I heard the commercial on the TV and quickly grabbed the pencil sitting on the stand next to the couch and then the paper pad on the other stand on the other side of the couch and quickly wrote down the number. 
            “What are the odds of that?” Usually I hate it when commercials use letters to describe their numbers, but this time it was a big help.
            An hour has passed, and Amy was just now coming out of her room from her shower.  I flipped off the TV as she came down the hall. 
            “Whuddya think?” her usually straight blonde hair was now in curls, and she had a bunch of make up on.  The bright red skirt was conforming to her long skinny body.  She would have been kicked out of school for wearing that dress, but growing up in a Catholic School the color enough would have gotten her kicked out.  
            “I thought you were going to work?”
            “Can’t a girl get dressed up without someone questioning her motives or where she is going?”  She smoothed her skirt down and walked over to the door.  She slipped into her high heels.
            “Come on… we both know that you are not going to work dressed like that.  You got fired again didn’t you? Where are you going? Really?”
            “To work with Todd”
            “That guy you’ve been…” I stopped and shook my head trying to get the visual out of my head. “Oh I get it.”
            “You know how I am, Seth.  I can’t be cooped up in this apartment all night like some nerdy twenty four year old banker.”  She glanced up at the clock.
            “This nerdy twenty four year old banker is the one that is paying for you to live here.  You’re lucky mom is living in California because you’d be staying with her if she was here.” I scowled at her. “You have to look for jobs this week.  I can’t keep paying for everything around here.”
            “Good night, Seth.  Don’t wait up.”  She opened the door and turned around and winked at me then walked out closing the door behind her. 
            I waited a couple minutes after Amy left before I even thought about picking up the phone.  I didn’t want her to know that I was going to call this dream thing.  It would be too embarrassing to be caught talking with some stupid TV ad about my dreams.  I sat there on the couch staring at the phone, playing the number through my head.  Finally, I dialed the number that I saw on the TV.  The phone didn’t even ring before an automated voice answered the call.  “Hello and thank you for calling Dreams-R-Us.  If you would like this message in Spanish, please push the number one.  If you would like to continue in English please, stay on the line.” The voice paused for a second and then the phone clicked in my ear. “We are here to help.  If you are calling about a dream that involves being naked in public, please press one.  If you are calling about a dream that involves being lost, please press two.  If you are calling about a dream that involves being chased, please press three.  If you are calling about a dream that involves falling, please press four.  If you are calling about a dream about having sex with a friend, please press five.  If you have had a dream involving more than one of these or any other dream, please stay on the line.”  The voice stopped and then elevator-like music started to play in the background through the phone.  I sighed but continued to listen to it, hoping that someone would soon pick up on the other side. 
            “This is ridiculous!” I said to myself as I waited, sitting on the couch with the phone to my ear.  “Why am I even doing this?” The question has been running through my head since I picked up the phone and dialed it, but now I asked myself out loud.
            “Dreams-R-Us…” a man picked up just as I pulled the phone away from my ear and pressed the power button.. 
            “What was I thinking?” I asked as I spread myself across the couch, and pulled out some files from my backpack that I brought home to work on this weekend.  “Maybe working on this stuff will get my mind off of these stupid dreams.” I worked for about ten minutes before the silence got to me.  What was I doing home on the weekend? I think I’m an attractive man.  I got a good build.  I’m smart.  Maybe that was it, I’m smart.  My mind just raced with a bunch of thoughts, before I grabbed the TV remote and turned the television on to drown out the thoughts.  “Oh goody… Roseanne is on.” I turned the volume up, threw the files on the floor, and laid there with my hands behind my head.  A couple minutes later I felt my eyes getting heavy and my head rolling.
            I was running, only this time it wasn’t for my life, it was for someone else’s.  It was like I was on a mission for the CIA or the FBI.  I knew what I had to do and I was on my way to do it.  I had to save my sister.  I had to save Amy.  She was going to die if I didn’t reach her in time.  Someone had taken her hostage and was about to kill her if she didn’t give them the information that they wanted.  I was only a few blocks away.  I didn’t know what I was going to do when I finally got there, but I knew that it wouldn’t matter.  My instincts would kick in when the time was right and everything would go just fine.  I get to the door and bust through it.  “Amy!!” I called as loud as I could.  “Amy, where are you?”
            “Welcome Seth. Nice of you to come,” a voice came from the shadows.  A light turned on and enveloped Amy who was sitting in a chair bound with rope and gagged with duct tape.  The figure that had spoken to me was standing just out of range of the light.
            “What do you want with her!?”  I asked as calmly as I could manage. That’s when the figure lifted a gun from the shadows and pointed it point blank at Amy’s head.  The man started to chuckle and then burst out in a full evil laughter.  He pulled the trigger and I could see Amy’s head open on the opposite side of the gun, brains flying everywhere.  I dropped to knees crying. “Why?! Why would you do this?”
            I jumped off of the couch and fell to the ground weeping.  “It was just a dream,” I said trying to catch my breath.  If I didn’t breathe right, I was going to hyperventilate.  I pushed myself to the couch and sat with my back resting against it.  Tears rolled down my face.  “Why do I keep having such weird dreams?  What do they mean” I wept to no one but myself.  I hugged my knees closer to my chest.
            The phone rang, and I jumped at the sound.  I slowly crawled to the end table and grabbed the phone. “H-,” I cleared my voice, “hello?”
            “Seth Brackard?” the voice asked over the phone.
            “Yes this is him?” I said with a quavering voice. “Who’s this?
            “I’m Officer Erik Summers; I work with the NYPD.  I have some bad news.”  The officer said without any hint of emotion. “I will need you to come down to the station. I have a few questions for you and also need you to ID a body.” 
            My heart jumped into my throat and my eyes filled back up with tears “What is it? What happened?” I tried to demand. 
            “I’ll need you to come down to the station before I can answer any questions” Summers replied.
            “Fine! I’ll be there in ten minutes” I said trying to sound as tough as I could.  My body was shaking.  
            I drove down to the station and met with Officer Summers.  He took me to the morgue in his car.  We walked down the long hallway with white and black checker board floor and the high white ceilings.  The walls were white and the windows had bars on them.  Kind of a bright place, for all the darkness that must take place in this building.  We walked through the steel doors at the end of the hallway and stopped in the middle of the room, in front of a table.  The table had a covered body on it.  “Why have you brought me down here, Officer?” He just looked at me.  His stare was blank, nothing in his eyes told me what I was about to see.  Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.  Summers pulled back the sheet from the head of the body.  I barely recognized the face I was now staring at.  The only thing that I could really make out was the curly blonde hair.  That damned blonde hair that was clogging the drain this morning, now laid strewn about on this cold metal table sopping the now cold red blood from her face. There was a big hole through her head.  Anyone else would have complained about the smell, but I hadn’t noticed it.  My nose was stuffed and tears welled up in my eyes and fell down my cheeks.
            “Is this your sister, Amy Brackard?” The officer asked coldly as tears streamed down my face.
            I don’t remember anything that happened after Summers asked me if that was Amy.  I’m not even sure what happened to me then.  A lot has changed since Amy’s death, but not everything.  I am still living in the same apartment, still sleeping in the same spot.  I didn’t have the heart to touch anything in her room.  Every morning I get the donuts and come back to my lonely apartment and sit at the kitchen table.  I only eat the donuts with sprinkles on them and leave the chocolate ones there.  My dreams have stopped since that night.  I still don’t know what they meant, except the last one.  Most people say that you always dream, you just don’t always remember them, I don’t believe them; I just simply don’t dream anymore.

Ticket to Heaven

Little Joey woke up today and he had a smile on his face.  He'd been waiting for this day for a year.  He hadn't seen his grandmother since exactly one year ago.  He spent the entire year waiting for this day.  He marked it on the calendar and worked hard to save money so that he'd be able to make the trip to see his grandma.  

He remembered the last day that he saw her.  She slept peacefully in the box in the front of the room.  He remembered she looked so beautiful, so calm.  He asked his mom why Grandma was sleeping inside the box.  

"Grandma is just taking a little nap. She'll be awake sometime soon."  She explained to him.

He smiled and went out of the room looking at all the crying faces around him.  Some hiding their faces in tissues and others carrying on conversations with those standing nearby.  A lady, she was in a red dress, stopped him and picked him up.  It was his aunt.  He remembered his mom telling him who she was.  He hadn't seen her in a long time and had to be reminded.  

"You ok, Joey?" his aunt asked him.

"Yes." He smiled.  He saw the streaks from her eyes.  "Are you?" he questioned her in return.

She sniffled and nodded.  She gave him a big hug and replaced him back on the ground.  He looked up at his aunt.  "Mom says that gram is just taking a little nap.  Do you think she'll be awake soon?  So I can play with her again?"  

She gave a half huff of a laugh and smiled.  "It might not be soon, hun.  But you will get to see her again and spend all the time that you want to with her.  She's taking a trip though."

"Where is she going?" He asked.

"Well..." she paused. " She's going to Heaven.  It's very far away."

"Oh...ok" he said when something caught his attention and he ran away from the lady in the red dress.

He thought on this idea that Grandma was just taking a trip and that she would return.  He wasn't sure where Heaven was, but he knew he wanted to surprise his grandma and visit her someday. 


 A few months later Little Joey sat outside on a nice day at a table and sold lemonade.  He saved his money in an old coffee can.  He remembered everytime that the change jingled inside how his grandma used to drink this brand of coffee.  He smiled.  

"What are you saving for, Joey?"  one of his customers asked him.  

"I'm saving to visit my grandma" he said with a smile. "She went on a trip, and I want to visit her." 

The lady put a few extra dollars into his coffee can.  "Thank you!" he expressed with a really big smile. 


He had a few more lemonade stands throughout the rest of the year and saved all of the money he was given for his birthday and holidays.  The coffee can was just about filled to the top.  He carried that can with pride down to the kitchen, where his mom was preparing his breakfast before he had to go to school.  

She laughed when he placed the can on the table. "Honey.. what is that for?"  

"Today's the day Mom."  His excitement couldn't be contained.  "I want to go see Gram... Can you take this and buy me a Ticket to Heaven?"

His mom stopped what she was doing. Tears built up behind her eyes and pushed forward.  "You don't need all of that to see grandma, sweetie.  Grandma is in your heart.  She's with you everyday, you just can't see her.  She is there, though.  Every decision you make and every moment that you smile it's because she's right there with you."

He looked at her confused. "But I want to see her."

"I know you do, baby.  But where Grandma is.. we can't see her there.  Where she went, she became a superhero.  She's invisible now.  That's the power she was given so she can watch over you wherever you go."

"So I don't need a ticket to Heaven?"

She tapped him in the heart as she said.  "No, Grandma is with you right here." 

He smiled at his mom as her tears still streamed down her face and he hugged her tight.  "Now, go get ready for school."  He nodded and started to walk out of the room. 

As he walked through the doorway he looked around only seeing the walls around him.  He looked back at his mom and then turned back around.  "I love you, Gram" he said to the empty room.  Just as he finished saying it, he felt a breeze ruffle his hair a bit.  "I'll see you again, someday"

Empty and Alone

The pale moon lingered in the almost morning sky.  

She waited on the corner, her dark crimson trench coat doing its job keeping the rain off of the new black dress she wore beneath. Her hands held tight onto either side of the collar, holding them up against her face.

 A brisk wind turned the rain sideways so it attacked her from above and on the left. She moved back away from the yellow curb into a dank doorway. The shadows dressed her crimson coat into a darker shade, but the street light above kept her matching shoes and the tip of her coat their normal color. She wished she would have at least brought along her hat. Her blonde hair soaked lying against her shoulders. She thought back on what her hair looked like before she left the apartment.

The bells rang. Pigeons flew away from the bell tower across the street. The largest of the old hands was facing up while the smallest hand pointed towards "4". She shook her head. He was late. He was always late. Later this time. Later than ever before.

The bells rang four long times and then it stopped. The quiet sounds of the rain hitting the pavement was all that was left. Then a low hum of an engine.

She didn't look as the lights glanced past her.

He wouldn't have been so dumb to leave the lights on. Not these days. Not with "Them" watching.

She looked again at the clock.


It didn't feel like an hour had passed. It was getting colder. She could feel the cold air freezing her face and ears. She pressed the sides of her collar even tighter against her face. She couldn't get enough of her face into the collar. Moments later the soft sound of the rain was gone and the street fell silent.

White flakes of snow started to fall from the darkened sky.

Another hum coming from down the street.  No sign of anything coming her way.  The hum grew closer.

It was him.  It had to be.

The silver car rolled up in front of her. 

Finally she smiled and moved quickly to the car.  She bent over to look in the window as she pulled open the door. 

It’s not him.

She shrieked as she was taken from behind.  A hood placed over her head.  Her hands bound behind her back. 

Where did they come from?

The smell inside of the car.  It was smoke.  Cigar smoke. 

It was “Them”.

She felt her coat buttons pop from their place as they ripped her coat apart.  Her black dress hid her in the darkness of the car until they passed under streetlights.  The world was dark to her nonetheless.  She kept her eyes closed as she lay there with the hood over her face.  She tried to squirm. 

Hands held her down.  Strong hands.

Why did she wait so long?  They had a plan.  If he wasn’t there by 3, she was to go home.

Too late for that now.  The stench in the car was worse than just cigar smoke.  Even under the hood she could smell it.  She gagged on the smell alone.

What they going to do with her.  She heard noises.  Bodies rustling around in the car around her.  Her dress was pushed up her legs.  She tried to kick.  No.  Where was he?  Why didn’t he show up?

She felt the penetration.  She cried out.


The weight on top of her as she cried out felt heavier than what she imagined a car might feel like on top of her.  Each time his body collided against hers a tear rolled down her face.

Why didn’t he show up?

The man on top of her was done.  He pulled away and she felt empty.

She felt the car stop.  The door was opened.  She was pulled by her legs.  She fell to the ground hard. 

The door closed and the hum of the car faded in the morning. 

She worked her hands free and removed the hood. 

The clock rang its long chimes; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven times.

Her heart sank.

She was empty.

And alone.

It's Time

It wasn’t her time. 
She knew it wasn’t her time and yet it felt like her life was coming to an end.  The paddles of the ceiling fan above her whispered into the shadows of the room.  The lights were off.  Only the pale light of the moon showing through the windows illuminated her naked skin as she lie on her bed.  Her body glistened with sweat.  She hadn’t done any physical activity yet.  The heat was just unbearable.
She wipes her hands over her supple breasts taking the droplets of sweat with it.  Her nipples both hard.  She missed the cold air as much as she missed the touch of a man. 
She was going to get her chance soon though.  At a man.
As she lay on her back, she watched the white fan paddles rotating in the black darkness of the ceiling. Her heart felt like it was beating to the hum of the fan.
It wasn’t her time.
With the sun down, he thought it would have been cooler by now.  The heat didn’t affect him much.  It wasn’t the important thing to worry about tonight.  There was something more.  She was already at her apartment.  He had to get there and finish his assignment. 
The call came last night.
He has been following her since.  Deciding the best time to make his move. 
It had to be soon.  Before the sun came up.  It had to be over before the night came to a close.
He stood outside the building.  There were no lights on in her windows.  She couldn’t have gone out already. He was right behind her when she went in.  There wasn’t a back way out.  She was there. He knew it.
It had to be now.
Was it her time?
She still felt it was.  The air seemed to change.  She knew the man had followed her.  She knew he was standing outside.  He wasn’t out there any longer.  That’s when the air changed. When he entered the building.  His presence sucked the air out of the building.  That or it was getting hotter.  Even without the sun shining.
It was her time.
The floor creaked just outside of her door.  Her heart was beating faster than the white blades above her now.  She didn’t realize she was holding her breath until a long rush of air was finally exhaled.  She gripped her left breast with her right hand. 
This was it.
It was time.
The tip of the cigarette in his mouth glowed brightly in the dark.  He was outside her door now.  The floor creaked beneath his feet and he swore through the cigarette.  The smoke drifted towards the ceiling.  He took another drag, and then flicked the butt down the hall.  No regard where the butt landed.
He was going to do this. 
It was her time.
He listened a moment at the door. No movement inside.  He smashed down the door with a swift kick to its center.  The old wooden door crumbled under the force of his foot.
This will be easy. 
She didn’t scream when he burst in the door. She didn’t even flinch.   Her head turned towards him and her eyes looked accepting.
Too easy.
He released the knife from its hiding place at his back.  Wedged in his belt.  Slowly he pulled it to his side with a grin on his face. 
His dark coat blended in with the darkness that surrounded him.  The only thing she could see now was his white shirt showing from behind his coat and the gleaming knife at his side. 
She gasped.  He lunged at her.
She fell against the mattress with him on top of her. 
She didn’t scream.  Her hand wrapped around his wrist.  She saw it.  The one with the knife, it was in her hand.  She did all she could to keep his arm far from her body.
He was strong.
Stronger than her.
His hand drew closer to her body.  She couldn’t push him away any more.
This was it. It truly was her time.
She struggled.  He pushed.  She turned.  He twisted. She pulled.
The knife sliced deep.  Digging deeper. 
It was sharp. 
A gasp.
Then nothing.
She let out a small whimper.  She pushed his body off of hers.  It fell limp to the floor.
It wasn’t her time. It was his.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Life, Death, and the Journey Beyond

Life, Death, and the Journey Beyond. 

What they tell us isn’t always true.  When life ends, we stick our loved ones into boxes and send them 6 feet below, or have them turned to ash.  But what if I told you, it was all a lie?  That after your last moments on earth your life doesn’t end, but instead you keep on living.  You don’t get to live on Earth with your loved ones, but instead, if you’re lucky, you move on to Heaven.  Not the Heaven that everyone likes to believe in.  There’s no walking on clouds, or unlimited food and goodies, just life after death.  Word about the true Heaven has never been published or spoken on Earth, but that’s all about to change.  What I’m about to share with you is my story.  Life, Death, and the Journey beyond.